Thursday, March 2, 2017

2017 03/04 Saturday Hours of Prayer (Lent)

March 4th, Sat.

The Great Silence
Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

The Coming of the Light
Light and peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thanks be to God.        [The candle is lit.]
“If we say we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us;
but if we confess our sins,
God is faithful & just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”[1 John 1:8-9]

Scriptures – Psalm 30

The Passion of Christ
At this hour we remember Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin; you may choose Ignatian Imaginative Prayer (appendix), or general reflection:
Matthew 26:67-68

The Light Goes Forth
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with us all! Amen.   [candle out]

[You can add the Scriptures and Passion reflection to either Lauds or Compline if you aren’t observing Nocturns or Matins at the traditional times.]

Lauds 5-6am

The Coming of the Light
Light and peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thanks be to God.    [candle is lit]
“If we say we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us;
but if we confess our sins,
God is faithful & just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”[1 John 1:8-9]

Centering Prayer [20 minutes]

Scripture – Heb. 12:1-14

The Light Goes Forth
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with us all! Amen.   [candle out]

Prime-Terce 8-9am
The Blessing Hour
Jesus’ Trial before Pilate

Centering Prayer [5 minutes]

The Coming of the Light
Light and peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thanks be to God.    [candle is lit]
“If we say we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us;
but if we confess our sins,
God is faithful & just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”[1 John 1:8-9]

Psalm 32


Lectio Divina: Matt. 18:1-7
1.      Reading             (Lectio)
2.      Reflecting           (Meditatio)
3.      Responding         (Oratio)
4.      Resting            (Contemplatio)

Gloria Patri

Unison Prayer
Lord, bless us, if it may be,
in all our innocent endeavors.
if it may not, give us strength
to encounter what is to come,
that we be brave in peril,
constant in tribulation,
temperate in wrath
and in all changes of fortune,
and, down to the gates of death,
loyal & loving to one another.
As the clay to the potter,
as the windmill to the wind,
as children of their sire,
we beg of you this help
and mercy for Christ’s sake.
   (Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894,
     engineer, lawyer, novelist, traveler)

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Together, let us pray for…
…our family, friends, & church.
Lord, in your mercy,
   receive our prayer.
…those who suffer
   and those in trouble.
Lord, in your mercy…
…the concerns of this community.
Lord, in your mercy…
…the world, its people,
and its leaders.
Lord, in your mercy…
…the church universal: its leaders,
   its people, and its mission.
Lord, in your mercy…
…the communion of saints.
Lord, in your mercy…
[individual concerns may now be shared]
Lord, in your mercy,
   receive our prayer.
     [when all are finished sharing:]
We pray all these things
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Focus for the Day
[using Wesley’s Daily Questions]
1. Will I give time to thank God for the blessings of this week?
2. Will I think about just how those blessings came about?
3. How can each blessing help me love more, or be more holy?

The Passion of Christ
At this hour we remember Jesus’ trial before Pilate; you may choose Ignatian Imaginative Prayer (appendix), or general reflection:
Matthew 27:19-23

The Lord’s Prayer

The Kyrie

The Noon Hour (Sext)
Illumination & Peace
The Crucifixion

The Coming of the Light
Light and peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thanks be to God.        [candle lit]
“If we say we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us;
but if we confess our sins,
God is faithful & just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”[1 John 1:8-9]

Psalm 42


Be Still         [based on Psalm 46:10]
1.      Pray/Say “Be Still and Know That I Am God.” Keep Silence.
2.      “Be Still & Know That I Am.”
3.      “Be Still & Know.”
4.      “Be Still.”
5.      “Be.”

Reflection on the Cross
Read and reflect (you may use Ignatian Imaginative Prayer) on:
Matthew 27:38-44

The Lord’s Prayer


The Light Goes Forth
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with us all! Amen.   [candle out]

Nones     3-4pm
The Wisdom Hour
The Death of Jesus

Welcoming Prayer
1.      Focus, feel and sink into the feelings, emotions, thoughts, sensations in your body.
2.      Welcome God into it all.
3.      Let go by praying”
“I let go of the desire for…”
“I let go of the desire
  to change…”

Scripture – Isaiah 58:1-12

The Death of the Messiah
Read and reflect (you may use Ignatian Imaginative Prayer) on:
Matthew 27:55-56


Vespers  6-8pm
The Twilight/Quiet Hour

Centering Prayer [5 minutes]


Phos Hilaron (O Gracious Light)
O gracious light, pure brightness
of the ever-living Father in heaven,
O Jesus Christ, holy & blessed!
Now as we come to the end
of our daily work
and the setting of the sun and
our eyes behold the vesper light,
We give you praise, O God:
Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
O Son of God, O Giver of Life,
You are worthy at all times
to be praised by happy voices,
and to be glorified throughout
all the worlds.             [candle is lit]

Psalm 43


Scripture – John 1:43-51

Gloria Patri

Unison Prayer
 Lord, bless us, if it may be,
in all our innocent endeavors.
if it may not, give us strength
to encounter what is to come,
that we be brave in peril,
constant in tribulation,
temperate in wrath
and in all changes of fortune,
and, down to the gates of death,
loyal & loving to one another.
As the clay to the potter,
as the windmill to the wind,
as children of their sire,
we beg of you this help
and mercy for Christ’s sake.
   (Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894,
     engineer, lawyer, novelist, traveler)

Intercessions   (see Prime-Terce Hour)

Lord’s Prayer

Examen/Prayer Beads & Kyrie
My Past, Present, and Future
1.      Center – Take a deep breath. Let your mind become quiet. Ask God to make his presence known around and within you.
2.      Gratitude – Spend a few moments thanking God for one or two blessings of today.
3.      Past – Ask God to reveal your past spiritual state of being this past day (or over a longer period). Were you spiritually free or unfree? Ask God to show you the consequences of spiritual freedoms and unfreedoms. Thank God for the good, ask for forgiveness and healing from painful memories.
4.      Present – Ask God to reveal your spiritual state at the present moment. What are your strongest feelings and thoughts now? Turn them over to God, and ask him to make them holy. At this moment, are you free or unfree? Give thanks or ask for healing.
5.      Future – What attitudes and feelings are you likely to have tomorrow? Will it be a challenge to live in God’s freedom tomorrow? If so, why and how will it be challenging? What will be the most challenging moment? What grace or virtue will you need from God to live in his freedom? Ask God for it. (Strength, Fortitude, Patience, Fidelity, Peace, Gentleness, etc.)
6.      New Freedom – What would tomorrow be like if you were spiritually free all day long? Daydream about such a wonderful day. Allow yourself to imagine great desires (coming from God) that rise up in you tomorrow. Ask God to show you how to walk through this kind of day.
7.      Resolution – If you feel called to do so, make a resolution to be the kind of person God is calling you to be; a particular way to live in freedom.

Compline 9-10pm
The Vigilant Hour
Jesus’ Arrest in the Garden

Psalm 51

Read and reflect (you may use Ignatian Imaginative Prayer) on:
Matthew 26:39

Centering Prayer [20 minutes]

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